SUDHIR KAKAR (born 1938 in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India) is a psychoanalyst, novelist, and a scholar in the fields of cultural psychology and the psychology of religion who lives in Goa, India.Kakar took his Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Gujarat University, his Master’s degree (Diplom-Kaufmann) in business economics from Mannheim in Germany and his doctorate in economics from Vienna before beginning his training in psychoanalysis at the Sigmund-Freud Institute in Frankfurt, Germany in 1971. Between 1966 and 1971, Sudhir Kakar was a Lecturer in General Education at Harvard University,
Research Associate at Harvard Business School and Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He has also wormed at Haward, Princton, The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Sudhir Kakar’s many honors include the Kardiner Award of Columbia University, Boyer Prize for Psychological Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association, Germany’s Goethe Medal,Rockefeller Residency, McArthur Fellowship, and the Distinguished Service Award of Indo-American Psychiatric Association. He is a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association, New York Academy of Sciences, and Academie Universelle des Cultures, France. As ‘the psychoanalyst of civilizations’, the French weekly Le Nouvel Observateur listed Kakar as one of the world’s 25 major thinkers while the leading German weekly Die Zeit has profiled him as one of the 21