Course by
Universidade de Lisboa
From 1st February to 14th February 2018
under J H Cunha Rivara Chair
Course description
Language documentation refers to the collection and treatment of language samples, be it for purposes of the preservation of knowledge, specific research agendas, the development of educational resources, or many others. Documentation is very often linked to linguistic description – the production of descriptive works such as grammars or dictionaries –, of which it is often the necessary first step. Currently, with a growing conscience of the rapid decline in the world’s linguistic diversity and of the fluidity in the linguistic repertoire of many communities, as well as the rapid development of the Digital Humanities, the impetus for documentation and archiving has become more urgent.
This course will equip students with the essential tools to carry out linguistic documentation that is both coherent and useful, while at the same time safeguarding the integrity of the participants’ intellectual property and responding to other ethical concerns. It will introduce tools and develop skills which are useful for research in Linguistics but also for the study of other disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences, including Anthropology, History, Sociology, Education, and Musicology.
Course Coordinator : Delfim Correia da Silva