PRO 125: Heritage(s) of Portuguese Influence in the Indian Ocean Borders

  • PRO 125 : Heritage(s) of Portuguese Influence in the Indian Ocean Borders

    Click here for registration 

    From 27thNovember to 11th December, 2017

    Venue: Council Hall, Adm. Building

     One Credit Course for Postgraduate Students

    (Open to the general public)

    Click here for registration

    by Prof. Walter Rossa

    Departamento de Arquitectura

    Centro de Estudos Sociais

     Universidade de Coimbra

    (With the collaboration of Dr. Luísa Trindade)




    Prof Walter Rossa, Caracas, 1962. Architect by Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1985), Master in History of Art by Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1991), PhD and Aggregate (postdoctoral degree) in Architecture by Universidade de Coimbra (2001 and 2013).

     Full Professor at the Departamento de Arquitectura and Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the Universidade de Coimbra. Among other academic commitments he creates and coordinates the PhD Program on Heritages of Portuguese Influence from the universities of Coimbra, Bologna, Federal Fluminense, Paris Ouest, Eduardo Mondlane and Algarve ( He teaches courses on Town and Regional Planning, Urban Design, Urban Heritage and Urban History. He has been visiting professor at the universities Federal da Bahía, Federal Fluminense, Pablo de Olavide, MEIA (Mindelo),

    Porto, Algarve, Eduardo Mondlane and Lúrio. Under his supervision have already been finished 21 Master and 12 PhD theses.

    Besides activity as a practice architect and town planner, he has dedicated his academic and scientific career to research on theory and history of architecture and urbanism, especially on the domains of town planning and design, culture of territory and heritage of the Iberian universe. About that he has made conferences and courses in Brazil, Cabo Verde, China, Guatemala, France, India, Italy, Macao, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nederland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Uruguay and USA. He has also organized scientific meetings and exhibitions and published books and papers in

    Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English. His last years research efforts were dedicated to the operative relation between heritage, history and planning, what leads him to develop the concepts of designing history, hyperdesign and the urbanistic analysis trio structure, form and image.

     He has coordinated various editorial and research projects, from witch this 6:

    — UNESCO’s Global Report on Culture and Sustainable Urban Development: Portuguese Speaking Countries, 2016; Regional Coordinator.

    — website (Heritage of Portuguese Influence/ Património de Influência Portuguesa) by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2012; director;

    — book Asia and Oceania from the collection (directed by José Mattoso) Portuguese Heritage Around the World: architecture and urbanism by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2010; coordinator;

    — exhibition Lisboa 1758: the Baixa plan today by Lisbon Municipality, 2008; curator with Ana Tostões;

    — project Bombay Before the British: the Portuguese legacy at the Bombay territory by Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra in collaboration with the Centro de História do Além-Mar da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, founded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Fundação Oriente, 2004-2007; leader; 2 PhD theses among several published papers;

    — project A Cidade como Civilização: universo urbanístico Português 1415-1822 by Comissão Nacional para os Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1997-2001; leader; 4 books;