PRO 121 – LANGUAGE CONTACT IN SOUTH ASIA AND THE ROLE OF PORTUGUESE One Credit Course for Postgraduate Students (Open to the general public)

  • Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara Chair , Goa University

    PRO 121 – LANGUAGE CONTACT IN SOUTH ASIA AND THE ROLE OF PORTUGUESE – A One Credit Course for Postgraduate Students (Open to the general public)


    Professor Hugo Canelas Cardoso

    University of Lisbon

    For registrations, please click here to submit your application online



    South Asia has been central in the development of some of the most important concepts in contact linguistics – including those of convergence, creolisation and linguistic areas – and remains a hotbed of multilingualism and intense linguistic contact. The arrival of the Portuguese language in the early 16th century constituted an addition to an already extremely diverse linguistic landscape, but one that had far-reaching effects (not least because, as the first European colonial language to gain a foothold in Asia, it impacted on those that followed) which are not always properly understood. 

    This course begins with an introduction of the basic concepts of contact linguistics, all the while exploring processes of contact-induced linguistic change involving South Asian languages. The second module focuses on the impact of the establishment of Portuguese in the region, in terms of the mutual transfers with its preceding South Asian languages, the establishment of new varieties of Portuguese, as well as the formation and historical trajectory of Portuguese-lexified pidgins and creoles.  

    We will read some of the classical texts on the topics covered, and also comment on current debates. By the end of the course, the student is expected to: a) be able to recognize different processes of contact-induced linguistic change and their varied outcomes in highly multilingual settings, from both a linguistic and sociohistorical perspective; b) understand the impact of Portuguese on the South Asian linguistic ecology, identifying what is already known and what remains to be researched.

    From 24th November to 6th December, 2016

    Venue: Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

    Course Coordinator: Prof. Scarlet Fernandes




    Class 1 – 24/11, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

    Class 2 – 25/11, 2.30 – 4,30pm

    Class 3 –  28/11, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

    Class 4 – 29/11, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

    Class 5 –  30/11, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

    Public Lecture – 1/12, 6.00 pm (Central library)

    Class 6 –   2/12, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

    Class 7 – 5/12, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

    Final Assessment – 6/12 3.00-4-00 pm


    Seats are limited to 25 for Postgraduate Students and 10 for General Public.

    For details contact

    Course Cordinator- Prof. Scarlet Fernandes, Dept of Portuguese Studies, Goa University

    email- [email protected]




    Hugo C. Cardoso  is a researcher of language contact, particularly that involving Portuguese and the formation of creole languages. He has a degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (Portuguese and English) from the University of Coimbra (2002) and, following an MPhil dissertation on the Portuguese lexical element in Suriname’s Saramaccan defended at the University of Amsterdam (2003), he has been focusing on the Portuguese-based creoles of India and Sri Lanka. His PhD project (University of Amsterdam, 2009) consisted of the documentation and description of the Creole of Diu and, since then, he has replicated this research in South India (Cannanore and Cochin) and Sri Lanka (Trincomalee and Batticaloa). He is the author of several articles (e.g. ‘African slave population of Portuguese India: demographics and impact on Indo-Portuguese’, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages; ‘Factoring sociolinguistic variation into the history of Indo-Portuguese’, Revista de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola; ‘The case of addressees in Dravido-Portuguese’, Papia), a contributor of the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (University of Oxford Press) and (co-)editor of various books (e.g. Language endangerment and preservation in South Asia, University of Hawai’i Press; Ibero-Asian Creoles: Comparative perspectives, John Benjamins, with Alan Baxter and Mário Pinharanda Nunes; Gradual Creolization, John Benjamins, with Rachel Selbach and Margot van den Berg). Since 2013, he is a researcher at the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Arts, having previously worked at the University of Coimbra, University of Macau and University of Hong Kong.