Goa University
Directorate of Visiting Research Professor Programme
D.B.Bandodkar Chair in Political Economy
Department of Economics
Goa University
ECO 501: Development Challenges in Contemporary India
Credit: 01 Credit (15 Contact hours: 25 marks)
Professor Prabhat Patnaik And Dr. Rammanohar Redy
D.B.Bandodkar Chair in Political Economy
Participants: Any Student at the Goa University is welcome to register. Course is open and free for students & general public, but registration is compulsory.
Students at Goa University who would like to earn credit are requested to go through the syllabus, teaching and evaluation details.
Participation Certificate will be issued to all those who maintain 75% attendance for the course.
From: 28th January to 31st January, 2019
(2.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
01st Febuary 2019 ( 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.30 to 5.00 P.M. )
Venue: Seminar Hall, Social Science Block, Goa University
For detail and online Registration: www.unigoa.ac.in/vrpp
Course Coordinator: Professor Pranab Mukhopadhyay, Department of Economics
Professor Dr. P.K. Sudarshan Prof. Nandakumar Mekhot
Head of Department of Economics Director,VRPP
([email protected])
Course title: ECO 501- Development Challenges in Contemporary India
Credit 1
Contact hours 15
Course Instructors – Prof. Prabhat Patnaik and Dr C. Rammanohar Reddy,
Shri D. Bandodkar Chair, VRPPs
1:Nationalism and Economic Outcomes: Understanding Gandhi and alternate views on nationalism and development
2: Understanding Imperialism in the 21st century
3: Demonetisation: Its impact in economic growth and development
4: Agrarian Crisis in India
5: The Employment debate in India
6: Macro-economic policy challenges
Reading List:
Contemporary Capitalism and The World Of Work (2018) PrabhatPatnaik, https://www.networkideas.org/featured-articles/2018/12/contemporary-capitalism-and-the-world-of-work/
On the Economics of “open economy” de-Industrialization-PrabhatPatnaik, http://www.macroscan.org/anl/nov03/pdf/Open_Economy.pdf
Demonetisation and Black Money (2017) by C. Rammanohar Reddy, Orient Blackswan
A Theory of Imperialism (2016) UtsaPatnaik and PrabhatPatnaik, Columbia University Press