Call for Participation – Great opportunity to Research Scholars in Social Sciences/Humanities & Languages to participate in a workshop on RESEARCH SKILLS PRACTICUM 2016
Goa University
Visiting Research Professors Programme
Shri D B Bandodkar Chair in Political Economy
Call for Participation
Great opportunity for Research Scholars in
Social Sciences/Humanities/Languages to participate in a workshop
From 10th December to 15th December, 2016
Orientation Meeting on 14th October at 3 pm
All new researchers in social sciences and humanities find academic reading and writing challenging. Goa University offers you an opportunity to participate in RESEARCH SKILLS PRACTICUM 2016. The Practicum is proposed to be held from December 10 to December 15, 2016. Details of the practicum are given below. If you would like to consider participating or would like to know more, please join for a meeting with the resource persons on October 14, 2016 at 3.00 p.m. in the Conference Hall of Main building of Goa University.
To join the meeting and be eligible to be shortlisted for the Practicum to be held in December 2016, you are required to send in your details through online form available here or at (
Prof. Satish Deshpande, DB Bandodkar Chair Professor in Political Economy, Goa University and Prof M Madhava Prasad and Prof. K. Satyanarayana (Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Language University, Hyderabad) will be coordinating the Practicum and will meet prospective participants on October 14th at 3 pm in the conference hall.
This is a five day intensive course of practical training in the skills and techniques that are absolutely essential for doing research in the social sciences and humanities, but are taken for granted and rarely taught explicitly.
The specific skills taught are classified under three heads:
a) Formal aspects of academic writing: Practical exercises on referencing, citation and bibliographic conventions; the why and how of direct quotations; the distinction between paraphrasing and plagiarism; and formal aspects of the presentation of academic work in different genres (review essay, journal article, thesis, report etc.).
b) Strategies and techniques for reading academic texts: Getting a quick overview; outlining the structure of a text; comprehending the argument; seeking outside help; tracking the larger conversation that the text is part of; identifying points of engagement; preliminary evaluation and critique.
c) Modes of reasoning, argumentation and persuasion: Opinions, claims, rhetoric as persuasion; rational argument in subjective and objective fields; types of evidence and evidence based debate; styles of persuasion.
In addition, the Practicum will have a fourth segment where participants will work with and on their own texts or texts chosen by them, such as a term paper, proposal or thesis that they themselves have written; or a text or problem that they wish to engage with in their research.
The Practicum is designed as an intensive five-day course that will meet for 7-8 hours every day. Ideally, it will involve around 8-10 facilitators and 30-40 participants in a residential setting within the university. Each facilitator will work with a group of four participants on various tasks and exercises based on the above content. Each day will be divided into four main sessions of 90 minutes each, where the first 30-40 minutes will be a plenary presentation, and the remaining time will be for group work. There will be a pre-dinner evening session for showing films or other audio-visual material relevant to the Practicum. However, the final format will depend on various logistical and practical considerations.
The Practicum is intended mainly for research scholars (i.e., those enrolled for M.Phil. or Ph.D. degrees, preferably at an early stage), and those intending to do research. Interested Masters students may also be considered depending on the availability of places. The Practicum is restricted to the humanities and social sciences because they share the same broad spectrum of skill-prerequisites. Prospective participants should apply online via the form available at latest by Monday, 10th October, 2016.
Code of conduct and rules
- A maximum of 40 participants will be selected for the Practicum to be held in the month of December 2016
- It will be the responsibility of the participants to obtain permission to attend the Practicum from their respective guides/employers/departments.
- Participants have to ensure that they attend all the sessions. Absence from sessions will lead to the participant being debarred from the Practicum.
- A certificate will be issued to all the participants who successfully complete the Practicum.
- Participants have to get their own laptops. Internet access will be provided. Some desktop machines may be provided for those who do not have laptops.
- It is mandatory that the participants reside on the campus during the entire duration of the Practicum. Guesthouse accommodation (at concessional rates) will be provided on sharing basis. Participants have to bear the expenses towards guesthouse staying charges. They have to pay these charges directly to the guesthouse at the time of check-in. Participants staying in Goa University hostel need not stay in Guesthouse.
- Breakfast/lunch/dinner and refreshments will be provided by organizers
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the workshop.
- Participants must undertake not to share or circulate the study materials and worksheets distributed/developed during the Practicum without the written permission of the VRPP Coordinator, whether during or after the Practicum.
Ramrao Wagh
VRPP Coordinator [email protected]