An Interactive Workshop on “Introduction to Coaching” By Kiran Shesh, PCC (ICF) On October 19, 2015 at 4:00-7:00 PM

  • An Interactive Workshop on

    “Introduction to Coaching”


     Kiran Shesh, PCC (ICF)

    On October 19, 2015 at 4:00-7:00 PM*

    Venue: Conference Hall, Main Building, Goa University

    What is coaching?

    Art of Coaching has been well acknowledged as an effective transformational tool in modern management. This supersedes conventional advising and consulting methods. Coaching can be applied for self-development or any aspect of work environment including teaching. Faculty members will find it useful to address their motivational, indecisiveness, inter personal, and teaching effectiveness issues. Please find attached some useful information on Coaching to understand how it is different from Counselling and Mentoring.

    Who should attend?

    Professionals, Entrepreneurs, teachers, students, and anyone interested in self development and developing leadership skills are welcome. I am keen to conduct a 3 hour programme on. Audience size is limited to 40. This will be an interactive session with equal participation from the participants.

    Please register online at >>

    Workshop fee- Rs 500/- (Rs 300/- for first 10 student participants)

    Your participation will be confirmed on payment of participation fee. Please contact Nandesh Naik, Technical Assistant, VRPP(Dept of Computer Science & Technology, Goa University) to make payments. Spot registration will be accepted subject to vacancy (Limited seats- 40 max)

    Profile of the Facilitator              

    Kiran Shesh is a business professional with over 25 years of industry experience mainly around Industrial products in manufacturing sector.  Prior to setting up his coaching firm (DAWN RAY Coaching LLP), he has successfully led business operations and expansion initiatives, including P&L responsibility. He has worked in MNCs like Sulzer, Monsanto and his last corporate position was Managing Director of Pall India and VP South East Asia. Pall India is 100% subsidiary of Pall Corporation US. Pall Corporation is $ 2.7 Billion Filtration Company. He started his career as sales professional and moved up the ladder developing other skills like Business Finance, Operations, Team Development leading up to General Management. He is a PCC from International Coach Federation (ICF) through ACSTH route and brings in over 10 years of experience in the field of leadership and executive coaching. He is also a board member of IIT Bombay Alumni Association.  Kiran has the knack of gaining client’s trust rather early in the conversation. His global work experience helps him deal with all cultures with equal ease. Kiran is Chemical Engineer from IIT Bombay and also holds MBA degree from SJM School of Management, IIT Bombay.

    *Reporting time is 3:30 pm. Please circulate this email among all those who might be interested.