(ONB109) Maping Mapusa Market
A blog on Mapping of Mapusa market
- Orijit Sen
Shri Mario Miranda Visiting Research Professor
Goa University - Click here for on-line registration
Course Title: ONB-109: Mapping Mapusa MarketShri Mario Miranda Visiting Research Professorship Chair is dedicated to contributions from Fine Art, Painting, Illustrative Cartooning, etc. Under its auspices, Shri Orijit Sen will be conducting a course on, ‘Mapping Mapusa Market’ from 9th to 28th of December. Course Instructor: Shri Orijit Sen Orijit Sen is a graphic artist and designer based in New Delhi, India. He has trained at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. He helped conceptualise, design and execute several exhibition and museum design projects, including the India Pavilion at the World Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan and the Virasat-e-Khalsa Museum in Anandpur Sahib, Punjab. Orijit also works with graphic narrative forms. His pioneering graphic novel ‘The River of Stories’ was published in 1994. He is a one of the founders of the Pao Collective – a group of comic’s artists and graphic novelists in Delhi, and has collaborated on the award-winning ‘Pao Anthology of Comics’ published by Penguin Books. His graphic prints have been exhibited and published in India, Japan, China, USA, Switzerland and elsewhere. In 1990, he co-founded People Tree, a center for design, crafts and sustainable living, which has grown to become a celebrated and unique cultural space in Delhi. He heads People Tree’s in-house design studio.This will be a participatory process which will eventually build up on a dedicated website accessible to the public. The main idea behind this project is to explore and document the complex life of Mapusa market from a variety of perspectives – through illustrations, photographs, videos, recorded interviews and data gathering. The context for this project is the changing landscape of markets, retail spaces and local produce and crafts outlets in India and elsewhere. The project will look at how a historical market such as Mapusa has evolved, and how it is coping with the challenges of globalisation, consumerism, emergence of malls and supermarket culture, FDI in retail etc. Given that the market is a fascinating, rich and diverse space which accommodates everything from locally grown pumpkins and crafts to Chinese imports and high-end electronics, we’re also interested in understanding the role that Mapusa market plays in producing, sustaining and re-fashioning Goan culture, values and lifestyle. What is the importance of market interactions beyond that of pure economics? Do these interactions have a vital but often overlooked social and cultural dimension as well?This is the second module of about nine similar modules proposed to be conducted over the next three years in different locations in Mapusa. The first module was enthusiastically participated by students, professionals and foreign nationals. It culminated with an exhibition of the projects by the participants. The exhibits were lauded by eminent Goan personalities who visited the exhibition. Details are available in the blog, mappingmapusamarket.wordpress.com.The course is open to general public as well as students. The students of Goa University can earn 3 credits (45 hours) and the others shall be awarded participation certificates. Up to three consultant designers, artists and film-makers may be invited to join discussions or conduct specific sessions to provide special inputs and expertise. The maximum number of participants is 20. Participation pre-requisites are a strong interest in visual arts as well as humanities and social sciences. Participants should be interested in conducting fieldwork and research outside the classroom.
Course Objectives:
- To participate in, and contribute to, an ongoing art project centered on the history, culture and contemporary life of Mapusa Market.
- To explore the collaborative possibilities of design, fine art, photography and video, and liberal arts and social science based research skills.
- To gather information about Mapusa Market and help construct an interactive web-based resource.
- To explore non-textual learning through the development of observation, documentation and visual research skills
Venue: Mapusa: D.M’s College of Arts, Sc. & Com. Assagoa and the Mapusa Market for field work.
Schedule for the course:
Week 1
Monday: Participants gather for an illustrated talk on visual research and mapping, history of Mapusa market etc.
Tuesday: Briefing by instructor followed by individual or group-based fieldwork
Wednesday: Presentation of previous day’s research by participants to the entire group, followed by discussions.
Thursday: Briefing by instructor, followed by individual or group-based fieldwork.
Friday: Presentation of previous day’s research by participants to the entire group, followed by discussion.
Week 2 and Week 3 will follow the same pattern.
(This is a hands on minds on participatory process and is not a lecture based workshop)
Assessment: Participants will be assessed on the basis of
Quality and quantity of visual research output in the form of drawings, photographs, videos, notes, artifacts etc: 80%
Level of participation and enthusiasm in group discussions and presentations: 20%
Venue of the Course is St Xavier’s College, Mapusa, Goa.
For further queries contact
Ms. Shefali Kamat, Phone: 8390052699, E-mail:[email protected] or Mr. Orijit Sen, Phone: 0981384333, E-mail : [email protected]
- Orijit Sen