Report of theĀ Research Project on Assessing Quality of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Compliance of Environmental Clearance (EC) Conditions and Adequacy of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of Mining Industry in Goa
Madhav Gadgil: obtained M.Sc. in Zoology at Mumbai, and did his Ph.D. thesis on fish behaviour at Harvard University. He turned to modelling and did a thesis in mathematical ecology that won him the IBM Fellowship at Harvard Computing Center and became a citation classic. He has been a Lecturer on Biology at Harvard, a distinguished Indo-American Lecturer at UC Berkeley and a Visiting Professor at Stanford. From 1973 to 2004 he was on the faculty of Indian Institute of Science, where he established the Center for Ecological Sciences. He was a member of the Science Advisory Council to Prime Minister of India from 1986-90, and Chaired the Science & Technology Advisory Panel of Global Environment Facility from 1998-2002.2
His scientific interests focus on ecology and evolutionary biology, conservation biology, human ecology, natural resource management and ecological history, and he has published 225 scientific papers and written 6 books in English and 2 in Marathi. Madhav Gadgil has been largely responsible for introducing careful quantitative investigations in ecology and animal behaviour as well as viewing humans as an integral component of ecosystems of India. He founded the Centre for Ecological Sciences, which has developed strong traditions of working with other researchers, teachers, policy makers as well as NGO workers, farmers and other citizens throughout the country. This has led to innovative experiments of involving High School and College teachers and students in inventorying and monitoring of biodiversity.