Course on Roads Not Taken: Decoding Gender, Understanding Feminism (Credit: 01 Credit ,15 Contact hours,25 marks) By Professor Vrinda Nabar Kavivarya Bakibaab Borkar Chair in Comparative Literature

  • Goa University

    Directorate of Visiting Research Professor Programme


    Kavivarya Bakibaab Borkar Chair in Comparative Literature


    Department of English

    Goa University



     Roads Not Taken: Decoding Gender, Understanding Feminism

    Credit: 01 Credit (15 Contact hours: 25 marks)


    Professor Vrinda Nabar

    Kavivarya Bakibaab Borkar Chair

     in Comparative Literature


    From: 07th January to 17th January, 2019


    Participants: Any Student at the Goa University is welcome to register. Course is open and free for students & general public, but registration is compulsory.


    Students at Goa University who would like to earn credit are requested to go through the syllabus, teaching and evaluation details.


    Participation Certificate will be issued to all those who maintain minimum 75% attendance for the course.



    07th January/08th/09th/11th/14th/15th/17th January, 2019

    (2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)

    Venue: Conference Hall, Administrative Block, Goa University


    11 January, 4:00 p.m.: Venue: International Centre, Goa.

    Public Lecture: “The Gendering of Narratives and Narratives of Gender”



    For detail and online Registration:

    Course Coordinator: Dr. Anjali Chaubey,

    Assistant Professor, Department of English


    Professor Nina Calderia                                    Prof. Nandakumar Mekoth            Head of Department of English    Director,VRPP                                                          EMAIL:    ([email protected])




    Roads Not Taken: Decoding Gender, Understanding Feminism (7-18 January 2019)


    My courses so far have indicated that despite ambitious syllabi with their theoretical and conceptual overload, the actual awareness of the fundamentals and paradoxes of gender and feminism remains muddled, no matter what discipline (Women’s Studies, History, Sociology, Language, Literature etc.) participants may be engaged in. Taking off from the responses of diverse participants to earlier courses, this two-week one credit course would use academic scholarship and popular writing to look at the ways in which words like gender and feminism are commonly perceived. It would highlight the misconceptions and prejudices that unfortunately continue to shape attitudes both within academia and outside it.

    Beginning with a brief historical survey of the different ways in which both gender and feminism were written about from the earliest times, this interactive course would additionally use literary texts and cinema to draw attention to the multiple efforts at articulating and recasting issues of gender and feminism. It would study the validity and significance of terms like “Histories” and “Herstories” and encourage participants to formulate these concepts. It would try to analyse whether terms like Gender Studies and Women’s/Feminist Studies have helped to legitimize such efforts or worked towards their ghettoization within the accepted canon. First-time participants would learn to rethink concepts they have taken for granted, while participants from earlier courses would discover that the journey never really ends. Attendance is mandatory and marks will be deducted for unauthorized absences.


    Monday, 7 January: 2:00-3:30 p.m.: Introduction, lecture, discussion;

    Tuesday, 8 January: 2:00-5:00 p.m.: Screening;

    Wednesday, 9 January: 2:00-3:30 p.m.: Lecture, discussion;

    Friday, 11 January: 4:00 p.m.: Public Lecture, International Centre, Goa (student attendance mandatory). Title: “The Gendering of Narratives and Narratives of Gender”

    Monday, 14 January: 2:00-5:00 p.m.: Screening;

    Tuesday, 15 January: 2:00-3:30 p.m.: Lecture, discussion, wrap-up;

    Thursday, 17 January: 2:00-3:30 p.m.: Final assignment (15 Marks);

    3:30-5:00 p.m.: Oral presentations (10 Marks);

    Vrinda Nabar

    Prof Vrinda Nabar is a former Chair of English at the University of Mumbai. She studied at the universities of Mumbai and Oxford. She has been a Visiting Professor at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) and at the Open University (Milton Keynes, UK). Her teaching and research interests have focused on postcolonial issues, Indian literature in English and in English translation, India and the Diaspora, and transnational feminisms. She has also made public presentations of her work at Northwestern University, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Loyola University (Chicago), West Chester University (PA, USA), the Open University (UK), the Sahitya Akademi, Xavier Institute of Communication, Mumbai, and various universities and colleges in India.