Course on Comparative Literature by Prof Nirmala Jain

  • nirmalajian
    Prof Nirmala Jain
    noted Hindi Scholar & Critic
    Visiting Chair Professor,Bakibab Borkar Chair for  Comparative Literature

    Title of the course: Course on Comparative Literature under Bakibab Borkar Chair for  Comparative Literature
    Duration: from 3th to 10th March 2014
    Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm
    Professor: Prof Nirmala Jain, noted Hindi Scholar & Critic


    Under the Bakibab Borkar Chair for  Comparative Literature launched by Goa University,  the noted Hindi scholar & critic Prof. Nirmala Jain, will deliver 15 Lecturers  from 3rd to 10th March 2014 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and Saturday  8th March from 10: 00 to 1 pm at the Department of Chemistry in the New Science Block of Goa University .

    Starting with a public lecture on the topic   “Comparative Literature: The corpus – why and how and its goal in the context of globalization” at 3 pm on Monday 3rd March, Prof Jain will deal with various topics topics related to the Indian perspective in comparative literature in the context of multilingualism during her 15 lectures on the days that follow She will discuss the feminist stance from the point of view of  Akiki Yosano and Mahadevi Verma, the influence of  Ramkatha on the Indian psyche and contemporary Hindi Poetry and the Pan Indian Scenario with particular reference to Marathi and Konkani. She will also talk about the role of translation in the intra-national context.

    The courses are free and open to students and the public. For details go to http://www.unigoa,

    online registration form will be provided soon….

    Session 1 –

    Comparative Literature: The corpus – why and how and its goal in the context of globalisation

    Session 2 –

    Comparative Literature: The Indian perspective, the multi-lingual situation and the role of translation; the intra-national context.

    Session 3 –

    MmJapanese poetess Akiki Yosano and Mahadevi Verma: The feminist Stance

    Session 4 –

    Ramkatha: Its pervasion on the Indian psyche with special reference to Tulsidas’s Ramcharit Manas and Krittivas Ramayan

    Session 5 –

    Contemporary Hindi Poetry and the Pan Indian Scenario with particular reference to Marathi and Konkani.

    Note – All sessions will be followed by meaningful discussion with the audience/participants.

    For details please contact Prof R N Mishra, [email protected]