Amélia Polónia is an Associate Professor at the Department of History, Political and International Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto and a member of the CITCEM Research Centre. She is the Director of the Master Program in African Studies and member of the Scientific Board of the Erasmus Mundus PhD program “TEEME: Text and Event in Early Modern Europe” (, resulting from a consortium between the universities of Kent, Berlin (Freie Universität), Praga and Porto.
Her scientific interests include social and economic networks, maritime communities and self- organizing networks. These topics are applied to direct interests on the Portuguese Overseas Expansion and the European Colonisation in the Early Modern Age.
Seaports history, migrations, transfers and flows between different continents and oceans, informal mechanisms of empire building, seaports history; the role of women in colonial processes and the environmental implications of the European colonisation overseas are key- subjects of Amelia Polonia’ recent research.